Visiting Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Program

Before beginning a professional performing arts career, Tunde Krasnai attended the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where she received a Fulbright Scholarship under the Visiting Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Program to pursue a second master’s degree in music. While attending UCLA, Tunde Krasnai also served as a music therapist and teaching associate for the university.

Named for Senator J. William Fulbright, the Visiting Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Program is one of six programs that are sponsored by the United States Department of State. The program is designed to fund visiting scholars as they help students in regional areas, such as the Metropolitan Los Angeles area, by sharing their experience with the community.

The Visiting Fulbright Scholar Enrichment Program funds the visiting scholars stay between a few months up to a year. The cultural enrichment programs of the visiting Fulbright Scholars is organized by the Institute for International Education (IIE), based in Washington, DC. The IIE is the administrator of the program, which sends UCLA the names of hundreds of qualified professionals in the Southern California area.
