A celebrated solo pianist, Tunde Krasznai most recently studied at UCLA where she earned a second master’s degree under a Fulbright scholarship. Throughout her career, Tunde Krasznai has lived and performed around the world, including Transylvania.
Most people associate Transylvania with Count Dracula, but this part of Romania has much more to offer. One of the big attractions is the Transfagarasan Highway, which connects Sibiu and Pitesti. This road twists through the Carpathian Mountains, reaching a peak altitude of 2,034 meters. The hairpin turns and wonderful views are exciting to motorists, motorcyclists, and bicyclists.
Another must-see attraction is the Turda Salt Mine, an amusement park located 400 feet underground against a backdrop of stalagmites. Here, visitors find beautiful light displays, a Ferris wheel, a lake with boats, and a spa.
Many visitors also spend time at Transylvania’s breathtaking castles. Bran Castle is the only building found to match the description written by Bram Stoker, but people who want to avoid Dracula should explore Hunedoara’s Corvin Castle, which has an incredible amount of medieval art, and Peles Castle near Sinaia.
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